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Discovering the Feminine Beauty of Mohiniyattam Dance

Admin / 4 Dec, 2022

Mohiniyattam is a dance style which originated in Kerala, in the south of the Indian State of Kerala. It is a dance style which is well-known for its beautiful moves, intricate footwork as well as expressive movements. Mohiniyattam is a form of dance which celebrates femininity as performed by females. The term "Mohiniyattam" is derived from the words "Mohini", meaning enchantress and "attam", meaning dance. This form of dance is often described as"the "Dance of the Enchantress" because of its mesmerizing and captivating movements.



Origin and History of Mohiniyattam Dance


Mohiniyattam is an ancestor of the temple dances that were performed in ancient times of Kerala. It was a dance performed by the Devadasis, who were dancers from temples committed to worshipping the divinities and gods. They were proficient in various forms of art that included dance, music and poetry. As time passed, the dance form developed and was incorporated into the royal court of Kerala. Other dance forms, such as Bharatanatyam and Kathakali, were also influential on Mohiniyattam.


Between the 19th and 18th centuries, Mohiniyattam faced a decline due to political and social developments in Kerala. But it came back in the late 20th century by renowned performers such as Kalyani Kutty and Chinnammu Amma. They played a significant role in preserving and spreading this wonderful dance form.



Significance of Mohiniyattam Dance in Indian Culture



Mohiniyattam is a significant element in Indian culture. It is a dance style which celebrates women's beauty as performed by females. This dance form is an integral part of folklore and mythology and has many shows that tell stories that are based on Hindu epics, such as The Ramayana or Mahabharata. Mohiniyattam can also be a method to express gratitude to the Gods and Goddesses. Dancers frequently invoke the blessings of gods before performing and use their movements and gestures to express their love for God.



Unique Characteristics of Mohiniyattam Dance


Mohiniyattam is well-known for its distinctive features that distinguish it from other dance forms of classical origin. One of the main characteristics that distinguish Mohiniyattam is its fluid moves. The dancers move in the gentle sway of the palm trees in Kerala. The footwork of Mohiniyattam is precise and intricate as dancers use their feet to make rhythmic patterns. A unique feature of Mohiniyattam is the expressive gestures. The dancers make use of mudras or hand gestures to express emotions and convey stories. Mudras are integral to dancing and are used to represent diverse characters and scenarios.



Feminine Beauty of Mohiniyattam Dance


Mohiniyattam is a celebration of femininity as performed by females. The form of dance emphasizes elegance, grace and subtlety, which are thought to be feminine characteristics. Dancers wear flowing costumes that emphasize their movements and enhance the beauty of dancing. The costumes are typically composed of off-white or white silk or cotton and are embellished with silver or gold borders. The jewellery worn in Mohiniyattam includes earrings, necklaces as well as anklets, bangles and necklaces that further add feminine charm to the dancers.



Role of Women in Mohiniyattam Dance


Mohiniyattam is a form of dance in which women dance. It's a way for females to show their true individuality and their feminine side. In a world where women's voices were frequently shut down, Mohiniyattam offered women a platform to show their talents and talent. It also helped them be connected to their heritage and express their faith in the goddesses and gods. In the present, Mohiniyattam continues to be performed by women who carry on the rich heritage and traditions of this dance.


Costumes and Jewelry of Mohiniyattam Dance


The jewellery and costumes utilized in Mohiniyattam have a crucial role in increasing the beauty and class of the performance. The costumes are typically composed of off-white or white silk or cotton, which represent elegance and purity. Dancers are adorned with a shirt referred to as a choli, a long skirt, also known as mundu and a shawl known as the dupatta. The costumes are embellished with silver or gold borders, adding glamour to the outfit.

 The jewellery that is used in Mohiniyattam comprises necklaces, earrings, anklets, bangles and necklaces. The necklaces are constructed of silver or gold and are embellished with precious stones, such as rubies, emeralds, or pearls. The earrings are dangling and long and add to the grace of the dancers' moves. The anklets and bangles can be used to produce rhythmic sounds when dancers move and add an element of sound to the show.

Music and Instruments Used in Mohiniyattam Dance


Mohiniyattam is associated with music generally performed in the Carnatic style. The music is comprised of traditional ragas and talas that provide a melodic and rhythmic framework for the dancing. The instruments that are used in Mohiniyattam comprise mridangam, violin, veena, and flute. The instruments produce a harmonious combination of sounds that complement the dancers' movements.


The music of Mohiniyattam is usually performed in Malayalam, which is the native language of Kerala. The lyrics generally are sanctified, worshipping gods and goddesses, or telling mythological tales. The music brings emotionality and depth to the performances and enhances the overall experience for the spectators.


Techniques and Movements of Mohiniyattam Dance


Slow, swaying motions and subtle facial expressions are the hallmarks of Mohiniyattam. The dancers move with delicate grace, utilizing their entire body for fluid and smooth motions. The footwork used in Mohiniyattam is precise and intricate, as dancers use their feet to create rhythmic patterns. Hand gestures, also known as mudras, form an integral element of the dance form, which is employed to communicate emotions and to tell stories. Each mudra is associated with a particular significance and is utilized to represent diverse characters and scenes.


The facial expressions used in Mohiniyattam are subtle yet strong. The dancers make use of their eyebrows, eyes and lips to convey emotions such as anger, love, joy, sadness, and anger. These expressions provide depth and nuance to the performance and allow viewers to feel connected with their story.



Future of Mohiniyattam Dance in the Modern World


Mohiniyattam is a form of dance that remains well-known in Kerala as well as other regions of India. However, it is now facing difficulties in the contemporary world. With the increasing internationalization as well as the impact of Western culture, traditional forms of art like Mohiniyattam are in danger of being obliterated. It is imperative to adjust to changing times and come up with new ways to engage with viewers.


One method to ensure the longevity of Mohiniyattam is through education and understanding. Institutions and schools can incorporate Mohiniyattam into their programs by exposing students to this stunning dance form. Training and workshops are also a possibility to educate interested people about the methods and dance moves of Mohiniyattam.


Another method of promoting Mohiniyattam is through performances and collaborations. Artists may work with choreographers, musicians and other dancers in order to create contemporary and innovative performances that are appealing to a larger public. They can be performed at festivals, cultural events and even on online platforms that reach a worldwide public.





Mohiniyattam is a gorgeous dance which celebrates femininity as performed by females. It's a way females can express their individuality and be connected to their cultural traditions. Mohiniyattam is a dance style that should be preserved and promoted to future generations. By taking the unique qualities of Mohiniyattam and identifying ways to engage with the public, the dance form will remain at the forefront and continue to captivate people around the globe.

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